Wallaby ReGen 24: A Wallaby Creek Fundraiser
FRIDAY, Saturday & Sunday, 19-21 July 2024
Wallaby Creek Festival Grounds
Following on from the success of our ‘ReGen Weekender 2023’, we are excited to invite you to join us at the Wallaby Creek Festival site in Rossville for ‘Wallaby ReGen 2024’.
Wallaby ReGen is about learning, exploring, sharing knowledge and wisdom. It’s about being a part of something greater: meeting new and old friends, hanging out in the chai tent or around a welcoming camp fire. It is an experience like no other.
Offering new expansive ways of living in harmony with nature, our vision is to bring like-minded people together, sharing knowledge and evidence-based practices that focus on the regeneration of our environment, ourselves and our communities. We aim to challenge current methods of operating and ‘Be-ing’, encouraging us to think even bigger, together. It’s the place where being a plant nerd is cool!!
The flooding event of Dec.’23 presented us with an entire new paradigm of living in the tropics. The scars on the hills and new landscapes are a constant reminder of the fragility of living in this region. It birthed a quest for answers, new thinking and new approaches to the way of life here in Far North Queensland
With presentations and workshops running onsite from Friday 3pm until Sunday 3pm, everything from plant nutrition & pest control, worm farms and toolbox farming to mushroom growing and composting will be explored: Something for all levels and interests. We will also be revisiting the food forest planted in ReGen 2023, looking at pruning and mulching methods and completing our Saturday workshops with the annual “Planting”.
In addition to all the plant nerdy things, we have a space that focuses on the importance of the self and its intrinsic role in creating change. Without our inner connection and conscious awareness, the potency of any practice, no matter how dynamic, will never reach its potential. We will be offering morning Yoga, along with Meditation, Toning and vibrant discussions on the concepts of regenerating your family and life around us… and much much more.
There will also be cooking workshops on all 3 days where you can learn new methods of cooking with locally available food, including FNQ edible plants & weeds, local perennials and practice Nori/sushi rolling.
In addition, we have arranged to visit 2 farms in the Endeavour valley on the morning of Friday 19th July. 8:30 – 2pm. Please advise if you wish to go on the farm visits by emailing: regen@wallabycreekfestival.org.au.
Two leading examples of what can be achieved by using Regenerative principles and methodology on degraded, windswept sites.
- Dr Wendy Seabrook: Learning from Nature: “Eco-logical approach to Regenerative Agriculture
With escalating food costs, empty supermarket shelves and poor-quality food, growing our own food is more important than ever. But, like many of us experience, it can be challenging and expensive. Come see how we’re overcoming these issues and share your ideas - Roman Jost: Organic farmer: Dragon Fruit & Passionfruit.
Growing Food – How we can tackle the challenges we encounter with our local growing conditions Do come and join us for a great weekend. Camping on site is available.
For further information: Check out the Wallaby ReGen FaceBook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1460090144936994/
Or contact by Email: ReGen@wallabyCreekfestival.org.au
Tickets on sale at the Entry Gate or: https://events.humanitix.com/wallaby-regen
Adult $120 Concession $80. U18 Free
Workshops and Special Guests
Dr André Leu:
Across the world, new practices are emerging that require a shift in mindset: They challenge the long held paradigm that relies on external inputs, herbicides and pesticides, to one that collaborates with living ecosystems. This is what underpins Regenerative practices.
Director of Regeneration International, Dr André Leu travels the globe sharing his wisdom, experiencing what is being practiced across continents. Growing Life: Regenerative Agriculture: An international Perspective will discuss how the world is shifting into this new way of operating, the results of which will leave you inspired for change.
Cape York Water Partnership:
The flooding from Cyclone Jasper in our region was devastating and extensive. In the Annan Catchment, it was between a 1-in-500 to 1-in-1000 year event. Cape York Water Partnership (CYWP) are leading the environmental investigations into the impacts of Cyclone Jasper in our region on behalf of the Queensland Government, Department of Environment, Science and Innovation. During this session, CYWP will screen an aerial video which tracks the impacts of the flooding across the Annan and Bloomfield Catchments, followed by a short presentation about Jasper impacts, and a short discussion about community priorities for future recovery activities.
Mike Harrison:
Commercial Composter, Queensland Landcare Sustainable Farm Practices recipient 2013, organic and conventional farmer – will share his wealth of knowledge giving you both the theory and practical skills to create your own aerobic compost.
Mike Gaia:
In a little over 5 years, Mike has taken his vacant block of land in Kuranda into a thriving edible food forest using syntropy and permaculture techniques. His passion for sharing his knowledge brings him back for the third year of presentations and workshops.
Revisiting the Food Forest – A year on, and even with the flooding, we are happy to say that most of the food forest has survived. Mike will demonstrate pruning and weeding methods on maintaining such a system and add more plants to the mix for another years growth.
Fostering Regenerative Communities & Climate Change Resilience: Never one to shy away from robust discussions, Mike plans to expand your paradigm of understanding of the subject matter in an interactive, thought provoking session.
Jack Houwing:
Experienced farmer and advocate for regenerative agricultural practices, Jack has spent decades exploring and learning many systems and designs that lie within the regenerative agricultural space. With so much to choose from: How to successfully to grow worms and apply it in practice ” For small gardens to large commercial agriculture operations.” Will provide you with the knowledge and confidence to build and maintain your very own worm farm at home.
Adam Collins:
Master Biodynamic Prepmaker, Garlic farmer and strong advocate for the integration of Biodynamic and Regenerative practices into our daily lives, Adams knowledge and commitment brings him back up again this year to join the ReGen team.
Regenerating yourself and your family. Having a look at yourself and the dynamics of the relationships in your family. Rediscovering yourself through awareness and learning how to open the channels of communication
Weeds: Guardians of the soil: Learning to read the messages that the weeds are telling us and how to understand how they can help
Toolbox Farming for the Future: A discussion on the skills and practices (tools) which can be beneficial going forward into our ever changing and dynamic future.
Ori Albert-Mitchell:
Once again by very popular demand, our Grow your Own Mushrooms workshop is being held on 2 days and facilitated by Ori who will captivate you with her passion for all things Fungi!!
These 60 minute workshop will demonstrate to you how, with some easily sourced products and spore you can create a never ending supply of mushrooms. Interactive, hands on workshop with Ori will inspire you to never have to buy them again! $10 for spores
Roland Smith:
Permaculture isn’t just about design, its about adaptability. Roland explores and presents new themes/angles that incorporate permaculture practices and systems and never one to disappoint, this years topic takes us on a journey of water.
The Tao of Tropical Permaculture: How water inspires us to direct its raw tropical power. ‘According to the Tao Te Ching, the metaphor of water describes the ability to be fluid and adaptable: That by observing nature at its’ most powerful (and at times most destructive), we can learn from it, deepening our wisdom, planning, shaping and adjusting designs to flow with the tropical environment.
This is reflective too of communities coming together like the rain droplets that become creeks, flowing together until we flood the world with the transformation of Holistic and Regenerative practices as one’.
The Planting
For the third year running we will be having a mass tree planting on Saturday at 5pm. Once again our partner ClimateForce will be facilitating the planting of 200 native trees endemic to the region, joining together with all of the crew, presenters and participants to create another fun event.
Round Table Talking Circle:
Join us as we close the weekend with an open forum to talk about our furture in the realm of Regeneration. Future Perspectives and solutions brings our presenters and participants together as we identify our learnings, dream big and plan for our furtures.
Meditation: See Chalkboard Daily
Margo Steiner:
Margo will leading us in Yoga practice Saturday and Sunday morning – planting seeds of stillness and movement into your weekend,
Bella Barker:
Vocal Toning exercises have numerous benefits for the body and mind which include Mindfulness, Stress relief, Emotional balancing and conncetion. Come and Join Bella on Satiday afternoon to change your frequency!
Living a regenerative lifestyle means that it is important to us what we eat. Up here in FNQ we have the ability to grow all year round and wish to share with you the skills and knowledge attained by our locals and shared with you. You are welcome to BYO food, (especially breakfasts!) otherwise there will be homegrown and homemade food on offer for you to enjoy at a small cost.
Chai Tent: Chai, Teas and Coffee plus home cooked food, cakes & soup.
Friday Evening: Locals presentation: Join us as we cook and eat together using locally grown perennials: e.g. cassava/green bananas/coconuts etc.
Saturday pm: Locally cooked foods eg curries, stews around the campfire. .
Friday 19th: 8:30am – 2pm. Endeavour Valley
Two leading Examples of what can be achieves by using Regenerative Principles and methodology on degraded, Windswept sites.
Wendy Seabrook: Eco-Logical farming. Living with Nature
Roman Jost: Certified Organic farming Dragon fruit
Please email regen@wallabycreekfestival.org.au for EOI
Chai Tent & Acoustic music
Market stall vendors, crafts people, artists and musicians
Come along bring your tools, or your wares and showcase, sell, swap, or even share your skills and talents while you’re there.
Why not volunteer?
Volunteers are really the heart and soul of all our events. Why not become a part of our Wallaby Creek Family and donate a little of your time to help bring this event to life! There’s plenty of opportunities available in the lead up to, during and after this event. Please email: volunteers@wallabycreekfestival.org.au
Food, drinks and entertainment
Unlike many festivals, food that is prepared and served during Wallaby ReGen will be locally sourced, prepared and cooked. The key to living self-sufficiently is to identify what does and doesn’t grow well here and leave with plenty of ideas about the variety of meals and dishes that can be made from simple backyard gardens.
Wombat cafe will be serving Okonomiyaki over the weekend as well as an assortment of soups, savory and sweet snacks from the Chai Tent
Please BYO breakfasts
Camping and accommodation
Overnight camping is offered and encouraged.
Gates open: 8am Friday 19th July 2024 – 2pm Monday 23rd.
For those attending the Farm tours, Camping will be available from 2pm Thursday 18th July.
Nearby accommodation is also available at Rossville Retreat. and The Lions Den